


(内容)租税政策(tax policy) とは、租税の分野における立法学である。その目的は、租税制度の合理性を検討し、何が合理的な解決策であり、いかなる制度を採用すべきかを明らかにすることにある。


Week 1 Constitutional framework (interpretation of tax statutes): W.T. Ramsey Ltd. v. Inland Revenue Commissioner (1981), Tax Cases Vol.54, 101-199.

Week 2 Concept of income (realization requirement): 金子宏『所得概念の研究』119-160 (1995),

Week 3-4 Alternatives to income taxation: John K. McNulty, Flat Tax, Consumption Tax, Consumption-Type Income Tax Proposals in the United States: A Tax Policy Discussion of Fundamental Tax Reform, 88 California Law Review 2095-2185 (2000).

Week 5-6 Progressive taxation: Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven, Jr., The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation 1-104 (1953).

Week 7-8 Corporate taxation: Alvin C. Warren, Jr., Reporter's Study of Corporate Tax Integration, The American Law Institute Federal Income Tax Project, Integration of the Individual and Corporate Income Taxes 1-57 (1993); William A. Klein, Income Taxation and Legal Entities, 20 UCLA Law Review 13-74 (1972).

Week 9-10 VAT (financial services): David Williams, Value-Added Tax, Victor Thuronyi ed., Tax Law Design and Drafting Vol. 1, 164-230 (1996);中里実『金融取引と課税』119-292 (1998).

Week 11-12 International taxation: Office of Tax Policy, Department of the Treasury, The Deferral of Income Earned through U.S. Controlled Foreign Corporations 1-213 (2000).