2020Sセメスター駒場 社会科学ゼミナール
The Economistを読む

T オンラインでゼミをはじめる
4/20 開講
4/27 全員 Geopolitics and covid-19: Is China Winning?
5/04 会読のための準備

U 記事を精密に読む
5/11 全員 Public finances: After the disease, the debt
5/18 先輩来訪 北岡佑太氏
 全員 Farming and covid-19: The food miracle

V 記事を多角的に読む
5/25 全員 Food security: The pandemic and the pantry
全員 Escaping the lockdown: First, do no harm

W 能動的学習へ――グループ報告と質疑応答
6/08A班 大屋南々帆・奥田紗永・六川雅英・谷賢上
The pandemic is dividing Britons, not uniting them
The CDC: Handcuffing an institution
Russia and covid-19: The anatomy of lies
Japanese politics: Unscathed scathing

6/15B班 西東福太郎・勝山明日香・明畠加苗
China's power: Dragon strike
Hong Kong's freedoms: Rule by fear

6/22C班 飴嶋彩織・平山貴仁・白井帆香・野中滉大
Criminal justice: Order above the law
Lexington: Far worse than Nixon
Obituary George Floyd: The life pressed out

6/29D班 神田早紀・俣野純・藤尾武士・坂本映時
Charlemagne: The Sinatra doctrine
Chaguan: More equal than others
America urges Europe to join forces against China

7/06E班 吉田遥香・松浦祐樹・小川敢多
Jeff Bezos: The genius of Amazon
Amazon: And on the second day…

7/13F班 山口翔義・芳仲琴音・横田美鈴
E-sports: Citius, Altius, Fortnite
E-sports: Legends in lockdown
Schumpeter: Raising live music from the dead